Dog Sitters · Cat Sitters · Dog Walkers
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· 28 years old · 9 years experience
Dogsitter for you CZ/ENG...
Dogsitter for youl CZ/ENG Dogs have been a part of my life since very early on. My mother has been a professional...
Boarding: Apartment
dog sitter dog walking cat visits day care
186 00 Prague-Prague 8, Czechia
· 20 years experience
Hlídání všech zvířat...
Boarding: Studio Apartment
24/7 po domluvě
dog walking cat visits day care
Tovární 1264/6, 170 00 Praha 7-Holešovice, Чехия
· 48 years old
Praha a okolí...
43 letý s dobrým vztahem ke zvířatům....
Boarding: Studio Apartment
cat sitterdog sitter dog walking cat visits day care
Praha, Česko
· 40 years old · 20 years experience
Sitting and walking dogs of any size and any difficulty Hi! My name is Daryna. You are welcome to trust me with your de...
Boarding: Apartment My pets: Jackie, mixed: Jackie is somewhat cowardly and shy, but totally harmless. Sometimes barks loudly out...
Monday-Sunday 24/7
dog sitter dog walking day care
Sádky, 171 00 Troja, Prague, Czechia
· 34 years old · 20 years experience
Hlídání Vašeho menšího pejska/fenky u nás doma...
Nabízím hlídání Vašeho mazlíčka u sebe doma a venčení po okolí. Žiju sama v bytě kousek od metra Bořislavka, kde je na d...
Boarding: Studio Apartment
nárazově, podle dohody
cat sitterdog sitter dog walking day care
Na Dlouhém lánu 494/37, 160 00 Praha 6, Česko

Create a public pet sitting request
We will send the request to all the sitters in the area. The ones who are available will send their price offers and you can choose the offer you like
Public request
· 20 years experience
Jana (CZ/ENG/DEU) - psiska všech velikostí i kočičky (dogs/cats)...
Od malička jsem milovala (skoro -) ) všechna zvířata. Jako děti jsme s bratry měli dovolené jen drobné mazlíčky (od křeč...
Boarding: Studio Apartment My pets: pes Aron (6 let, z útulku)...
Po-Ne (i přes noc)
cat sitterdog sitter dog walking cat visits day care
Libeň, 180 00 Praha 8, Česko
· 10 years experience
Hlídání a venčení zvířat...
Nabízím hlídaní domácích mazlíčků na Praze 10 nebo i v jiných částech Prahy. Práce se zvířaty je pro mě koníček a baví m...
Boarding: Studio Apartment
Po, Út, St, Čt, Pá, So, Ne
cat sitterdog sitter dog walking cat visits day care
Vršovice 10, 101 00 Praha-Praha 10, Česko
· 4 years experience
Ece Kırıcı...
Dear pet owners, welcome to my page :)) My name is Ece and I have taken care of pets since I was a child. I used have se...
Boarding: Apartment
cat sitterdog sitter dog walking cat visits day care
Prokopova 2856/10, 130 00 Praha 3-Žižkov, Czechia
· 5 years experience
Dobrý deň, mám veľmi rada psov , zatiaľ ale neprišiel čas mať vlastného, takže som sa rozhodla pre hlídání pejskov. Aktu...
Boarding: Studio Apartment
Po dohode
dog sitter day care
Košická, 101 00 Praha 10-Vršovice, Česko
· 2 years experience
Dog walker...
Hi, My name is Liza. I would love to help you with your dog 🙂Unfortunately at the moment I cannot have my own dog, but ...
Any day 8-22:00
dog walking cat visits
Slezská 169/10, 120 00 Praha 2-Vinohrady, Czechia

Create a public pet sitting request
We will send the request to all the sitters in the area. The ones who are available will send their price offers and you can choose the offer you like
Public request
· 20 years experience
Pet sitter 🐶...
Hello! 👋 I am from Italy, grown in the countryside, around many different animals (dogs, cats, turtles, cows, sheep…)...
Boarding: Apartment My pets: 0...
Mon, Sun, 24/7
cat sitterdog sitter dog walking cat visits day care
Prosek, 190 00 Prague 9, Czechia
· 12 years experience
Pet Sitting and Dog Walking CZ/ENG/RU...
Hi, my name is Anna and I would be really happy to help you with your pets. I have experience with pets since my childh...
Boarding: Studio Apartment
I work from home, so I'm available almost all the time.
cat sitterdog sitter dog walking cat visits day care
Smíchov, Prague 5, Czechia
· 20 years experience
Od dětství miluji zvířata, křečky,papoušky,rybičky.... měl jsem fenku Kavalir King Spanel.... rád Vam pohlídam Vašeho pe...
Boarding: Studio Apartment
cat sitterdog sitter dog walking cat visits day care
Vršovice, Praha 10, Česko
· 10 years experience
Milovníčka zvierat :)...
SK Volám sa Alexandra a som obrovský milovník zvierat. Moje prvé domáce zvieratko bol králik, neskôr sme si zaobstarali...
Boarding: Studio Apartment My pets: Bývam bez zvieratka....
Každý pondelok, stredu a piatok som v práci do 17:00. Zbytok týždná mám variabílný.
cat sitterdog sitter dog walking cat visits day care
Praha 5, Česko
· 6 years experience
Ahoj, mé jméno je Nikola a ráda bych se starala o vaše domácí mazlíčky, ať už jste na dovolené nebo potřebují vyvenčit/n...
Boarding: Studio Apartment My pets: Fenka...
Po dohodě
dog sitter dog walking cat visits day care
Michle, 140 00 Praha 4, Česko

Create a public pet sitting request
We will send the request to all the sitters in the area. The ones who are available will send their price offers and you can choose the offer you like
Public request
· 20 years experience
Zkušená hlídačka!...
Zdravím vlastníky mazlíčků, Mám mnoho zkušeností s pejsky a dalšími zvířaty. Vždy se pejskům maximální věnuji. Bydlím v...
Boarding: Apartment
dog sitter dog walking cat visits day care
Hloubětín, 198 00 Prague 14, Czechia
· 8 years experience
Motivated pet sitter, ready to take care of animals...
I have been living in Prague since March. I originate from Ukraine, and I have two daughters. At home we have two cats a...
Boarding: Apartment My pets: Two cats...
Mo-Fri: 8.00-18.00
cat sitter dog walking cat visits
Gen. Šišky 2081/24, 143 00 Praha 12-Modřany, Czechia
· 32 years old · 5 years experience
Happy Paws Inc...
Hello! My name is Karina and I live in the Czech Republic, originally from Ukraine. Few things about me: 1. Work fo...
Boarding: Apartment My pets: Bunny the lion head...
Available 7 days a week, upon the agreement
cat sitterdog sitter dog walking cat visits day care
Libeň, 180 00 Prague 8, Czechia
· 30 years experience
domácí mazlíčci od mých 6 let tvoří součást mého života převážně malí psi (pudl, boloňský psík) následně také kočky. V...
Boarding: Studio Apartment My pets: 1...
24/7 dle domluvy, 50:50 práce z domova a z kanceláře, nedostupnost pravidelně aktualizuji
dog sitter dog walking cat visits day care
Koulova, 160 00 Praha 6, Czechia
· 30 years experience
Ja i moje 13 leta dcera se moc tesime na hlidani. Pejska jsem mela, vim jaka to je zodpovednost. Obcas hlidame kamaradce...
Boarding: House My pets: Momentalne zadne...
dog sitter
130 00 Praha 3, Česko

Create a public pet sitting request
We will send the request to all the sitters in the area. The ones who are available will send their price offers and you can choose the offer you like